Suddenly Tom seized me by the lapels of my jacket and said "you must write".
He then searched for the right phrase and came up with something like "those who have been given such a gift have a responsibility to use it".
So here I am writing again. Even tho I told him that I need to travel to have something to write about.
But then I decided maybe that isn't true.
In fact I am traveling every day. We all are. Even if not to a foreign country.
Today I traveled to the County adjacent to the city I live in. I needed to renew my County library card which had expired from lack of use. I have a City library card too and have been using it to borrow books for my Kindle. But I wanted to expand the inventory of available books. Often I find the books I want are out on loan.
So I found myself in the library in the town where I lived 30 years ago.
It's so different now. This must be what Rip Van Winkle felt like waking up and finding the world had changed.
Its all computerized now. This is, on balance, a good thing. Well, I think it is.
It's not hard for me to deal with this stuff as it is for many of my age. After all I do computer programming and have developed some smart phone APPs.
But still. The changes kind of blew my mind.
Or maybe it was the memories flooding my mind from the so different life I lived when I was living in this town so long ago.
While there, I decided to see if I could get Michael Lewis's latest best seller: "The Undoing Project" which, unsurprisingly, I had to put on hold. But I was able to get my favorite author's latest book: John Le Carre's "The Pigeon Tunnel".
I savored the book in the library's cafe. Over a cup of coffee.
With the afternoon winter sun streaming in the window, warming the page. And me.
Driving back to the city, I passed a juice bar.

My energy hasn't been what I would like it to be and I recently watched one of those endless infomercials by a Doc hawking his juice formula. That influenced me, no doubt. to drive around the block and back to this bar.
This juice bar was quite "urban" as you may be able to sense from the picture.
It had a lot of really useful advice on the wall.

I got the "Rejuvenation Drink". Beets, Carrots, Ginger and Apple.
Did it work? Well I've written this and I've stayed awake even tho I missed my nap this afternoon.
I think what I'll do is start a new Blog.
I'll send it to my current readers. With this as the first Blog Post.
I'll let them (you) tell me whether to continue writing this Blog or wait for my next trip abroad.
Good idea? Well there"s no downside for me.
If it doesn't work out I'll just blame Tom.