A sunny day in this beautiful city.
So welcome after the gloom of the seemingly endless grey skies here in Eastern Europe and the dark clouds from the homeland.
And suddenly Louis Armstrong is singing. In my head.
"And I think to myself, what a wonderful world"

Take a moment and just listen. To this-----

Then, as I walk around another tune runs in my mind -
"There is no where else on earth I'd rather be".
Later I checked on the news. . Surely, the madness of the U.S. election and its aftermath can't go on for four years? Maybe Brooks and Moore are right. Maybe it won't. There's always hope.
"This too shall pass."
And in the meantime shall we focus on the marvels around us?

Just think.
With all the expert analysis how did we miss the obvious explanation.
The madness from this Super Full Moon.
The largest and closest to earth in 68 years.
Of course. What were we expecting?
And there's this from last night in Lviv's wonderful concert hall.
Note rhe pause between the performance and applause.
Listen and savor the silence after the last note.
Thanks .... again! Needed that.
Hugh, I didn't realize that you were back in Ukraine. You must have left me off the mailing list and I hadn't checked blogger for a while, with all the other things going on. As always, I enjoy your blog and your wonderful photographs. This time, even your political comments don't seem so far from my own. I admire your adventurous spirit.
Yes Robert. The Computer gremlins struck and took you off the list. When I hadn't heard from you I began to suspect. So now your back on. Thanks for your comments!
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